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  • Having your say

    November 25th 2021




    January 25th 2022

    The survey is open to all Hackney residents to have their say and raise any issues affecting the safety of women and girls in our public spaces.

    We want to understand what more we could be doing to ensure that our public spaces are a safer place for everyone.

  • Analysing your feedback

    February 2022




    March 2022

    All the feedback received will be analysed and reflected in a report.

    This will help the Council set-up key actions that could be implemented to ensure our public spaces remain a safe place for everyone.

  • Hackney's New Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy

    April 2022




    June 2022

    Hackney's new Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2022 - 2025 will be published, drawing on your feedback and from groups and agencies across the Borough.

    The Strategy will set out the work to be done by the council and key stakeholders to eliminate Violence against women and Girls in Hackney. It will be influenced by the national and London strategies but will reflect the concerns and aspirations of our local population which you and others are sharing with us.

    The Strategy will be reviewed regularly throughout its 3 year span.