This phase of engagement has ended.
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About the project


Women’s Safety in public spaces in Hackney

We’re carrying out a boroughwide engagement exercise to understand what more we could be doing to ensure that our public spaces continue to be safe spaces for all women and girls.  

The survey will allow us to better understand the concerns, perceptions and experiences of women and girls and allow us to identify public spaces in the borough where they may not feel very safe.  

We’re seeking your views to see whether any improvements should be made locally. Your feedback will allow us to prioritise which mitigations we are able to put in place over the next year to help women and girls feel safer in our public spaces. This could for instance include: improvements to the public realm such as improved street lighting, more CCTV cameras, for example. The data will also inform our discussions with the Police. 

The map-based tool allows you to drop a pin on the particular location in the borough you’re referring to and answer a few questions relating to that location.  

Information on what has been achieved as a result of this survey will be fed back to the public during the 16 days of activism to end violence against women and girls.

Ending street based violence against women and girls in Hackney

Hackney Council takes a zero tolerance approach to street based violence, abuse and harassment of women and girls.

This survey is part of the work the Council is doing on 16 days of activism to end gender-based violence locally - as part of the UN’s worldwide campaign. Take part in the campaign and show your support for ending violence against women and girls. 

Learn more about the campaign locally.

Get your neighbours involved

The more people involved in sharing their experiences, the better the needs of the whole community will be reflected.

Share the project with people you know locally.

Trigger warning

Please note some of the details shared here may contain emotionally difficult material related to sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, physical violence, and identity-based discrimination and harassment. 

If you are experiencing domestic abuse

If you are experiencing domestic abuse then call the Council on 020 8356 4458 to access support, or visit the Domestic Abuse Intervention Service page for more information.

If you are hurting someone, and want help stopping abusive behaviour you can call Respect on 0808 8024040 or visit the choose to change webpage.

Hackney Council also operates a programme for those who perpetrate domestic abuse to help stop abusive behaviour, call the  Council on 020 8356 4458 to access support.

Street based harassment - what to do

In an emergency always call the police on 999, or report a non-emergency incident to the police on 101.

If the incident was on public transport you can contact the British Transport police by calling or texting 61016.

You can also report anti-social behaviour in parks and on the streets to the Council’s team by emailing or calling 020 8356 3310.

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


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